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Virus-Host Interaction – Multiple Choice Questions

virus host interaction quiz - virus host interaction - LABORATORY HUB - quiz - virology quz

Q.) A special feature of adaptive immunity is:

Q.) Many virus infections result in immune pathology, this is caused predominantly by which of the following?

Q.) Poliovirus can most easily become more virulent by which of the following processes?


Q.) What happens during the 'incubation period'?

Q.) Interferons are very special defence mechanisms which operate by:

Q.) How are antibody producing cells stimulated?


Q.) Cytotoxic T cells can be activated via which of the following?

Q.) Papillomaviruses cause warts and cancer but how do they most often infect humans?

Q.) Which of the following is the most special characteristic of the adaptive immune system?


Q.) What is the most common way for a virus to kill a cell?

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