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Amino Acids & Proteins Multiple Choice Questions BIOCHEMISTRY QUIZ

Amino Acids & Proteins | Multiple Choice Questions (Set 3)

Amino Acids & Proteins | Multiple Choice Questions (Set 3)

Q.) A vasodilating compound is produced by the decarboxylation of the amino acid:

Q.) Which of the following is a dipeptide?

Q.) The most of the ultraviolet absorption of proteins above 240 nm is due to their content of


Q.) Ninhydrin with evolution of CO2 forms a blue complex with

Q.) Biuret reaction is specific for

Q.) Sakaguchi’s reaction is specific for


Q.) Million-Nasse’s reaction is specific for the amino acid:

Q.) A peptide which acts as potent smooth muscle hypotensive agent is

Q.) Which of the following is a tripeptide?


Q.) A tripeptide functioning as an important reducing agent in the tissues is

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