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Iron Deficiency Anemia – Multiple Choice Questions

iron deficiency anemia - iron deficiency - types of anemia - laboratory hub - red cell indices in iron deficiency anemia - mcv in iron deficiency anemia

Q.) Earliest response during treatment of iron deficiency anemia is increase in

Q.) The following laboratory findings which is NOT a feature of iron deficiency anemia

Q.) The most common cause of Iron deficiency anemia is


Q.) The substance in the diet which inhibits iron absorption is

Q.) The substance in the diet which favors iron absorption is

Q.) The following is NOT a feature of Plummer-Vinson syndrome


Q.) The blood index which most accurately reflects iron deficiency is

Q.) The following is increased in iron deficiency anemia

Q.) The following is the most accurate estimate of iron stores in the body


Q.) Iron deficiency anemia may develop in all the following conditions EXCEPT

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